CRA Payment Dates 2024 – Schemes Benefits, Purposes, Delay Reason for CCB, GST/HST, OTB, CCR, and Others! June

CRA Payment Dates 2024 - Schemes Benefits, Purposes, Delay Reason-

CRA Payment Dates 2024 : The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) plays a vital role in providing various financial incentives to residents of Canada. These benefits facilitate better financial need management for families, individuals, and certain groups. It’s essential to comprehend these benefits’ payment schedules if you want to get them on time, prevent delays, and handle your money wisely.

The 2024 CRA benefit payout dates are explained in the following article. It includes the GST/HST Credit, the Ontario Trillium Benefit (OTB), the Canada Child Benefit (CCB), and other benefits kinds. You can more effectively manage your spending and make sure you get paid on schedule if you keep yourself informed. 

CRA Payment Dates 2024Overview

Article Title CPP, OAS, CWB, CAIP, GST & HST Payment Dates 2024
Country Canada 
OrganisationCanada Revenue Agency
Commencement year2024
Beneficiaries Citizens of Canada 
CategoryFinancial Aid 

Schemes Under CRA June 2024

Schemes NameSchemes Link
Canada Dental BenefitCanada Dental Benefit Official Link
Payroll deductions calculatorPayroll deductions calculator Official Link
Benefits payment datesBenefits payment dates Official Link
Forms and publicationsForms and publications Official Link

CRA Various Schemes Benefits, Purposes:

Here’s a table summarizing the various benefits and their purposes:

BenefitDescriptionPayment Frequency
Canada Child Benefit (CCB)A tax-free monthly payment given to qualified families with children under 18 to help with child-raising expenses. The amount depends on the number of children, their ages, and family income.Monthly
GST/HST CreditA quarterly payment intended to help low-income individuals and families defray the expense of the GST or HST, reducing the cost associated with consumption taxes.Quarterly
Ontario Trillium Benefit (OTB)A monthly payment consolidating the Northern Ontario Energy Credit, Ontario Sales Tax Credit, and Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit to help with energy and real estate expenses.Monthly
Canada Carbon RebateA quarterly payment aimed at helping families and individuals defray the expense of carbon pricing and encouraging a reduction in carbon footprint.Quarterly
Advanced Canada Workers Benefit (ACWB)A monthly stipend for low-income workers to promote employment and lessen poverty by augmenting their incomes.Monthly
Alberta Child and Family Benefit (ACFB)A quarterly payment for qualified families in Alberta with children under 18 to help with child-raising expenses.Quarterly

CRA Payment Dates 2024 - Schemes Benefits, Purposes, Delay Reason-

RELATED : Canada Workers Benefit 2024

CRA Payment Dates 2024

The CRA disburses different credits and benefits throughout the year. The following table shows you can look at the specific payment dates for particular payment releases. 

Benefit/CreditPayment Dates (2024)
Canada Child Benefit (CCB)20th of each month (Jan, Feb, Mar, etc.)
GST/HST Credit5th of January, April, July, and October
Ontario Trillium Benefit (OTB)10th of each month (Jan, Feb, Mar, etc.)
Climate Action Incentive (CAI)April, July, October (specific dates vary by province)
Canada Carbon Rebate (CCR)15th of January, April, July, and October


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$1,200/Month Approved for Canada Seniors

Reasons for Delay in CRA Payments?

  • There may be a little delay in processing the payment if a planned payment date falls on a weekend or public holiday. The payment will be handled on the next business day.
  • Your eligibility for benefits may change as a result of changes in your circumstances, and payments may be delayed.
  • Reassessments or mistakes on your tax returns may cause a payment delay.
  • Inaccurate or lacking information on your applications may cause delays.
  • The CRA will modify benefit payments in the event of a recipient’s death, which may cause delays.
  • Even if the CRA processes the payment on schedule, delays may still happen because of bank processing times.
  • Delays can occasionally be brought on by technical problems or system failures in the CRA’s processing processes. 
  • If you receive your benefits by cheque, postal service delays can affect the timely receipt of your payments.

Steps to Check CRA Payments Status?

  • Sign In to Your Account: If you are an individual, sign in to My Account. If you are a business, sign in to My Business Account.
  • Access Payment Information: For individuals, select “Accounts and payments” to view your account balance, available payments, and instalment payments. For businesses, select “View and pay the account balance” to see the payment details.
  • Verify Payments: Check the listed payments to ensure that your payment has been received and correctly applied to your account. Payments not applied to a specific tax year will be shown in the “Available payment(s)” section.
  • Contact CRA for Assistance: If you cannot access your online account or if there is an issue with the payment not appearing, contact the CRA by phone for assistance.

CRA Benefits June 2024 Payment Amount

The following table elaborates on the payment amount under different schemes. Take a look at the beneficiary group and the increased payment amount through the following given data:

SchemeBeneficiary GroupIncreased Amount
CCBBetween 0-18 yearsMax for less than 6: $7,437
Max for 6-18: $6,275
GST/HSTWorking taxpayersBased on last year’s T1 tax receipt
ACWBSingle earning less than $33,015Single maximum: $1,428
Family earning less than $43,212Family maximum: $2,461
CCRBased on the province the beneficiary resides10% increase for rural provinces
20% increase for urban provinces
ACFBAlberta children between ages 0-18Maximum for any group: $3,525
OTBOntario residentsMaximum for any age group: $1,194

Important Links and References:

Website NameLinks
Government of Canada website
myGov Portal
Canada Revenue AgencyCRA OFFICIAL LINK
Contact the Canada Revenue AgencyContact Link
Government SchemesGovernment Schemes
Financial AidFinancial Aid
Updiksha HomeWebsite

RELATED : Canada Workers Benefit 2024

FAQs CRA Payment Dates 2024

Ques 1. How can I confirm my payment dates for the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security (OAS)?

Ans. CPP and OAS payments are typically issued on the third-to-last business day of each month. For exact dates, refer to the CRA website or your My Account portal.

Ques 2. Are there any changes to the payment dates for the Canada Recovery Benefits (CRB) in 2024?

Ans. There are no CRB payments scheduled for 2024, as the program ended in 2022. For information on other recovery benefits, check the CRA website.

Ques 3. How do I check my payment status online?

Ans. You can check the status of your payments by logging into your My Account for Individuals or My Business Account on the CRA website and navigating to the relevant section.

Ques 4. What should I do if I do not receive my scheduled payment?

Ans. If you do not receive your payment on the scheduled date, contact the CRA immediately to investigate and resolve the issue.

Ques 5. Can I receive my CRA payments via Direct Deposit?

Ans. Yes, you can sign up for direct deposit through your My Account portal or by providing your banking information to the CRA to ensure timely and secure receipt of your payments.


The 2024 CRA payment dates are a crucial component of financial planning for households and individuals. When individuals can expect to receive their GST/HST amount, tax refunds, and other benefits from the Canadian Revenue Agency depends on these payment dates.

Taxpayers need to be aware of all these payment dates so that they can manage their expenses and finances well. 


CPP OAS Payment Dates | Canada Pension Plan

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$1,200/Month Approved for Canada Seniors

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