Chiranjeevi Yojana 2024 – Free Medical Treatment Rajasthan Health Insurance Coverage

Understanding and navigating India’s healthcare system is quite daunting, particularly for people whose mounting medical expenses are putting a burden on their finances. The Rajasthan government’s Mukhyamantri Chiranjeevi Yojana seeks to improve healthcare affordability and accessibility for those from low-income backgrounds, such as small farmers and contract workers.

This program guarantees access to essential medical care for all individuals, irrespective of their financial situation. It also provides benefits to people who are registered in other health programs, such as Ayushman Bharat. We shall look at this program’s origins, execution, qualifying standards, and other details in this post.

What is Mukhyamantri Chiranjeevi Yojana?

The Mukhyamantri Chiranjeevi Yojana was inaugurated by Rajasthani Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot. Parts of society who are economically challenged can obtain health insurance through this program. This program covers about 1576 medical treatments and additional costs.

Those who meet the requirements can get coverage for up to Rs. 5 lakhs, with a minimum payment of Rs. 870. This implies that individuals won’t face financial hardships when seeking medical care in linked hospitals, which may include government facilities.

Families who satisfy the requirements must complete an application and supply accurate information to participate in this program. Rajasthan has become the first state to guarantee that everyone has equitable access to healthcare thanks to this ground-breaking strategy. 

Important links of Chiranjeevi Yojana:

Chiranjeeviapp Official Website
New User Login (SSO)
Old User Login

How Does The Chiranjeevi Yojana Work?

The working mechanism of this Yojana is quite simple and you just need to enroll yourself. After that, you can avail yourself of the benefits of this health insurance scheme. Here’s how the Chiranjeevi Yojana Works:

Eligibility and Enrollment:

All Rajasthani citizens are eligible for the program, although households with Below Poverty Line (BPL) cards and those included in the Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC) 2011 are given priority. Common Service Centers (CSCs), online portals, and certified public health centers are the options for enrollment.

Coverage and Benefits:

Up to INR 5 lakh in annual health insurance coverage is offered by the program for each household. It provides coverage for a broad variety of medical operations, including as surgery, acute diseases, hospital stays, and pre-existing disorders. In all of the state’s accredited public and commercial hospitals, beneficiaries can receive care without using cash.

Cashless Treatment:

A Chiranjeevi Yojana health card is given to recipients, which they must show while checking into any hospital that has an affiliation. The hospital checks the card and treats the patient without expecting payment in advance. 

Empaneled Hospitals:

Beneficiaries of the program can access medical care at any of the public and private institutions in its network of accredited facilities. These hospitals have been chosen based on their services, infrastructure, and adherence to the program’s rules.

Claims and Reimbursement:

The government or the insurance company pays hospitals that treat patients under the program. To guarantee prompt payments and lessen the financial strain on healthcare providers, the procedure is shortened.

Monitoring and Support:

The Rajasthan State Health Assurance Agency (RSHAA) keeps an eye on the program to make sure it is implemented effectively. To support beneficiaries and resolve any concerns, a grievance redressal procedure and helpline are in place. 


Objectives Of Mukhyamantri Chiranjeevi Yojana

The Mukhyamantri Chiranjeevi Yojana was launched with several primary goals intended to enhance Rajasthan’s healthcare system. The following are the primary goals:

  • To guarantee that everyone in Rajasthan has access to complete health insurance coverage and that nobody is left without basic medical care.
  • To shield families—particularly those from economically disadvantaged backgrounds—from the cost of medical bills, therefore lowering their out-of-pocket costs.
  • By enlisting a large network of public and private hospitals, we can improve access to high-quality healthcare services and make sure that beneficiaries can get prompt and appropriate medical care.
  • To ensure early identification and treatment of illnesses, including serious and chronic ailments, to lower the rates of death and morbidity. 
  • To guarantee that all socioeconomic groups have equal access to healthcare services, with a particular emphasis on the underprivileged and marginalized segments of the population.
  • To improve the capabilities of public healthcare facilities and encourage private sector involvement to fortify the healthcare infrastructure.
  • It should include digital health technologies for the program’s effective management, oversight, and provision of healthcare services.
  • To ensure widespread enrollment and utilization of the Mukhyamantri Chiranjeevi Yojana and to increase public awareness of health insurance and its benefits.
  • The development of a long-term viable healthcare financing strategy that guarantees consistent and sufficient funding for the program. 

Benefits of Mukhyamantri Chiranjeevi Yojana Health Scheme

  • Medical Insurance Coverage: Beneficiaries can access medical insurance coverage of up to Rs 5 lakhs for a nominal yearly fee of Rs. 850 per family annually.
  • Pre- and Post-Hospitalisation Coverage: This program also covers medical expenses for the 5 days before hospitalization and the 15 days following discharge. This policy includes most medical procedures within its coverage.
  • Private And Public Healthcare: Registered individuals under this program are entitled to receive care at both public and private hospitals.
  • Cashless Facilities: The Rajasthan State Government allows candidates to receive cashless medical care from hospitals.
  • Coverage For Medical Tests: The majority of medical procedures and nearly 1576 medical tests are covered under this program.

What Is The Eligibility Criteria For This Scheme?

The scheme is open to all residents of Rajasthan. Proof of residence may be required during the enrollment process.

  • The program is open to families with a Below Poverty Line (BPL) card. Those covered by the National Food Security Act (NFSA) are included in this.
  • Enrollment is open to families listed in the Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC) 2011.
  • Eligibility also extends to some vulnerable groups, such as contract workers, small-scale and marginal farmers, and individuals enrolled with different welfare boards.
  • Enrollment is open to families who receive any kind of state-funded social security pension.
  • The program must be enrolled by qualified families using online portals, Common Service Centers (CSCs), or certified public health centers.
  • They have to present the required paperwork, including proof of identity, proof of residency, and eligibility certifications (such as a BPL card).

How to Apply For The Chiranjeevi Bima Yojana?

The following are the methods to apply for the Chiranjeevi Yojana:

Online Method:

  • Visit the official website of the Mukhyamantri Chiranjeevi Yojana.
  • If you’re a new user, please register by filling out the required information. If you have already registered, sign in with your details.
  • Proceed to the application area and complete the necessary fields, such as personal and family information and any supporting documentation (such as an Aadhaar number or BPL card).
  • Examine the provided data whether it’s correct or not and apply.
  • You will receive an email or confirmation message with your application number for future use following submission. 

Visit a CSC:

  • Visit the Common Service Center (CSC) located nearby you.
  • Bring the necessary paperwork, including your BPL card, Aadhaar card, and any other pertinent documentation.
  • You can get assistance from the CSC operator in completing the application.
  • After submitting the form, you will get a confirmation or receipt with your application number on it.

Offline Method

  • Visit the local enrollment center that has been selected.
  • Obtain the center’s application form.
  • Fill out the form completely, making sure to include all required documentation.
  • Fill out the form and turn it in at the enrolling center.
  • Obtain a confirmation or acknowledgment receipt along with your application number. 


Ques 1. Who launched the Chiranjeevi Yojana?

Ans. The Rajasthan CM, Ashok Gehlot launched the Chiranjeevi Health Insurance Scheme. 

Ques 2. What is the main aim of the Chiranjeevi scheme?

Ans. To provide better healthcare facilities to the state residents. 

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